Cellulitis infection surgery

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I fixed an appointment with the surgeon recommended by my primary physician to address my umbilical recurrent cellulitis. It was a beautiful Friday and I decided to get my appointment at eleven O’clock in the morning. I walked into the surgeon’s office which was in a brand new building set back from the road quite a bit. It gave an overpowering impression to anyone that came in.

Now, I have been around the block many times and so no show and tell impresses me – just give me the facts only. Cheerfully, I filled out all of the repeating forms and paperwork, as these medical offices do to *protect* you as they say. The nurse then came in and took my blood pressure and pulse and they were all in perfect range.

Fifteen minutes later, the surgeon walked in. I started explaining my condition to him for the first time, making sure that I mentioned I had a prescription for clarithromycin for my potentially impending recurring cellulitis that I had not started yet. I also started explaining that my physician wanted me to see him. The surgeon quickly cut me short and told me that I need not go any further and that he knew exactly what he was dealing with.

Oh really, I thought to myself.

What an idiot.

Now I am an engineer by education and a damn good one at that and an entrepreneur and a damn good one at that. Whenever I am faced with a problem, any problem, I first gather ALL the facts before I settle for a plan of action. Apparently, this surgeon felt listening to the patient is a waste of time. May be he should take up a basic customer service course in a local evening college I figured.

And he said that all of the antibiotics that my physician had been prescribing were a waste and that what I was dealing with was a cyst that had gotten infected just below my belly button. And I asked him when did the cyst develop. He said right from birth.

And why did it take so many decades to manifest itself?

It is rare but it sometimes it manifests after years. All we need to do is to surgically operate and you should be fine. Now if you get the cellulitis symptoms anytime between now and the date of the surgery, do not take the antibiotics and simply call me. I don’t think that situation will arrive though.

And he proceeded to tell me that he was taking a week off to go on vacation to Hawaii and so the earliest he could see me was on the week following the following week.

Very good I told him and got out of the office wanting to puke at the system and the surgeon in particular. I returned back to my office and started reflecting on what I just heard and my experience with this surgeon who was knife happy but stupid enough not to listen to his patient.

And I said to myself, *This idiot will never touch my body let alone perform surgery and open up what God gave me graciously*. I went home and continued to reflect. These thoughts continue in my next post entitled Cellulitis infection reflection.

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1 comment:

  1. Are you still posting these?

    A couple months ago I had to goto the ER because my belly button was leaking fluids and hurt very badly. I'm a very healthy 20 (21 in feb) year old, and nothing like this has ever happened to me, not even a broken bone, so I ofcourse freak out.

    I goto the ER and they tell me that I have umbilical cellulitis, and gave me antibiotics.

    Recently, my belly button has started doing it again! Is this what happened to you?? Does it keep vcoming back?? I am in search of a lot of answers about it, and I'm finding it hard to complete much research on this. If you could, please email me at bprater110@gmail.com.

    If it keeps coming back and happening... do you think I have a cyst...? I hate that I'm so uneducated about this matter...
