Is cellulitis dangerous

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My first question to my doctor as well my first question to myself was Is cellulitis dangerous? Now one needs a clear definition of what does dangerous mean. If you are asking the question Is cellulitis dangerous enough to cause death, the answer is yes, cellulitis can cause death. On the other hand, if the question is Are ALL cellulitis infections dangerous enough to cause death, the answer is no. Many times, a simple oral antibiotic treatment can cure the problem. In all cases though, cellulitis infections should NOT be ignored regardless of where it occurs and how little of discomfort it causes.

Cellulitis in the eye, such as orbital cellulitis is extremely dangerous. Deep infection cellulitis can be extremely dangerous. MRSA cellulitis is very tricky to treat because methicillin-resistant S aureus commonly called MRSA is very resistant to many antibiotics and gone are the days when MRSA strains were limited only to a small population of extremely high risk individuals.

But the general run of the mill cellulitis of the lower leg, or cellulitis in the arm, etc that occurs in individuals that are otherwise very healthy is not dangerous enough to cause death unless it is ignored and proper medical attention is not taken. A good physician can diagnose and cure the problem using proper drugs. The key though is to follow the medications directions exactly and not take short cuts; things like stopping an antibiotic prescription half way through because you start feeling better are not good ideas.

I decided to take my umbilical cellulitis seriously enough. I do not like to take risks that I do not understand. I do take calculated risks in life; but risks that are not calculated or those that are beyond my comprehension ( such as credit default swaps or mortgage backed variable annuities ) are not in my realm.

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  1. i had orbital cellulitis n that was bad i got fobbed off by fazackerly hospital more than 4 times in the end went to the royal liverpool hospital n they sorted it i was very lucky indeed

  2. Thanks for sharing this information because it is very helpful. I am glad I came to know this topic.

  3. Thanks, I just realized cellulitis so dangerous!
