Cellulitis treatment

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What are the cellulitis treatment methods available is of primary interest to those that have been affected. Usually the treatment for cellulitis infection involves the use of oral anitbiotics. If the oral antibiotics have apparently worked well as long as the infection has not spread to the bloodstream. If the oral antibiotic is not effective, intravenously delivered antibiotics are used for cellulitis treatment.

Intravenously delivered antibiotics for cellulitis treatment generally requires a hospital stay. This is also important so doctors can immediately attend to you if further complications arise; this is especially true if you have a weakened immune system. Topical antibiotics are generally limited to use in children.

It is important to note that you must mention all of the allergic reactions that you have a history of regarding antibiotics and other drugs. Based upon your history of allergic reactions to certain drugs, your doctor may be able to replace the treatment with alternative antibiotics.

In my case, I have a history of allergic reaction to penicillin and so I was prescribed Bactrim which is a sulfa drug. As soon as I came home with the prescription, my wife told me that it was not going to work. When asked why she thought so, her response was that sulfa has never worked for our children for anything and therefore may not work for me either. I made a mental note of that, but proceeded to take it. There were twenty tablets to be taken over a seven day period. And I did complete the whole dosage.

There was immediate relief within a matter of two days. There was absolutely no pain and the symptoms had all vanished by the time the dosage was completed.

Within six weeks the symptoms were back; this time it seemed a little more virulent. So I went back to the doctor and requested a stronger antibiotic, all the while remembering what my wife had said and how right she was. So they prescribed Clindamycin, also a one week treatment to be taken twice daily orally. I completed this treatment in its entirety with good results.

But then the cellulitis came back May be it likes me More on this in a future post under recurrent cellulitis.

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