Cellulitis infection reflection

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In my previous post entitled cellulitis surgery, I had ended it with a promise to continue my thoughts on the bad meeting I had with the surgeon who wanted to perform surgery for my cellulitis infection and my subsequent reflections on the matter. I came home that evening and all kinds of scary thoughts had started going through my mind. Now, the work I do is quite involved and potentially dangerous if care is not exercised and mental alertness not exerted ALL of the time. All that did not kill me and this lousy cellulitis bacterial infection could potentially kill me – what an irony I thought.

Now, I am not stupid enough to lead my life without any kinds of planning. I had made some plans for my family’s future in case of my death; thank the heavens I thought. But more importantly, I HAD to survive this situation and because of the work environment I was in, I could not take off too much time from work. My work needed me for the most part of my living life and there was no running away from it. Without me, work came to a screeching halt and this cellulitis bacterial infection was trying to mess with me.

I spent a sleepless night all the while coming up with a firm plan as to how I was going to get stronger and kick this in the shins.

Simple, I thought. What if I had not seen this surgeon? What if this had happened to me and I was in the jungle somewhere? What if I was so poor that I could not afford all these doctors and modern medicines? Would I give up?

Absolutely not. I do not give up easily. I shall fight till the end. As Winston Churchill had said, “We shall never surrender.”

And so, starting the very next day, I started my plan of attack. Remember, as a backup, I still had a full prescription dosage of Clarithromycin 500 mg in my possession that I could fall back on if I ever needed in an emergency. But I determined to do without it for now. And how did I start?

Sure, I will start off with it in my next post, entitled Treating my cellulitis infection going back to basics.

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