Cellulitis infection symptoms

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Cellulitis infection symptoms can hardly be ignored. The area that is infected with cellulitis usually starts getting inflammed. There may be redness either accompanied or not accompanied by swelling. You may develop a fever or chills. Cellulitis infection symptoms almost always include pain, sometimes very severe.

You may want to know that cellulitis infection can occur in males or females, people of any age group from small children to elderly people as well as in people of any race or ethnicity.

There may be a discharge from the affected area but this does not happen all of the time. Symptoms may persist for some time or stop and re-occur within a few days.

It may also be noted that symptoms may take several days to manifest or start and rapidly progress within a matter of a few hours. In either case, if you can observe the symptoms, get medical attention immediately.

These symptoms can occur in the face, arms, legs, groin or virtually anywhere. In my case, I got affected with umbilical cellulitis, which affected my navel. The pain was so severe that it felt like I had strained several muscles from my belly button to my chest. There was a discharge of a thick fluid from my belly button and the whole navel area was red, tender and slightly swollen. I did not develop a fever nor did I have any chills. In the early days, I took a Q-tip and tried to clean the discharge every time before taking a shower and the Q-tip stunk quite a bit. I knew there was some infection of some kind.

The pain was so severe, that I had trouble laughing hard or coughing. Of course, even in the midst of all this pain and suffering, I found reason to laugh at life and may be that is the reason I am still alive. Sometimes, I would involuntarily have sudden deep short lived inhalations during breathing, especially when I lied down to sleep at night. I got scared and started investigating my symptoms more and more.

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