What is cellulitis

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Cellulitis is the medical term for infection caused by bacteria in the skin below the epidermis layer. Cellulitis infection causes severe inflammation, swelling and redness. Generally, this is caused when bacteria enters the body through cuts, cracks and other broken areas of the skin; however, in some people especially those that have a very weak immune system, cellulitis infection can occur without a break in the skin.

People who have this infection and have a very poor immune response system need to be very careful since they can get repeated occurances of the symptoms and can sometimes end up with dangerous situations.

The bacteria that causes cellulitis is usually strep or staph. Cellulitis infection can occur almost anywhere in the body, since the body is generally covered all over with skin. When it occurs in the face, one needs to be over careful since it can migrate to the eye.

People that have diabetes and others that have weakened immune systems are very susceptible. Others that handle sea food or work with poultry without proper protective gear such as gloves are also susceptible. People that work in areas where their skin is prone to getting a lot of cuts and bruises need to pay extra care and attention to their broken skin area to prevent bacteria from entering their bodies.

You must immediately contact your doctor if you have a cut or bruise and start developing a fever or the bruised area starts getting redder more and more and the pain starts increasing and there is tenderness either with or without swelling.

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